#supportKICKEEshops Cash Back Initiative
Small business is the backbone of our community. Now’s the time for us all to support our local small retailers!
For the next week, we will be supporting our retail community by passing along 35% of your online purchase to a KicKee retailer of your choice!
Check the list below for your favorite store and simply input their code at checkout. We will send a check for 35% of your purchase directly to them! If you don’t see your favorite store, give them a call and encourage them to opt in to the #supportKICKEEshops campaignif they are eligible!
We’re all in this together!
KicKee Pants
Participating KicKee Retailer Codes
Simply copy and paste your favorite store's code!
3 Little Monkeys 35ThreeLittleMonkeys
4 Kids Only 354KidsOnly
A Baby Naturally 35ABabyNaturally
Adelaide Floral and Kid Corner 35AdelaideFloral
Aiden + Ollie 35AidenAndOllie
Annie and Oliver's 35AnnieAndOlivers
Atterdag Kids 35AtterdagKids
Babies in Bloom 35BabiesNBloom
Baby Bliss 35BabyBliss
Baby By Design 35BabyByDesign
Baby Glam & Mama Too 35BabyGlam
Baby Go Round 35BabyGoRound
Baby in Bloom 35BabyInBloom
Baby Nee Nee 35BabyNeeNee
Baby Riddle 35BabyRiddle
Barefoot Baby Boutique 35BarefootBaby
Basically Bows & Bowties 35BasicallyBows
Beaus & Belles 35BeausAndBelles
Bella Beach Kids 35BellaBeachKids
Bellies To Babies Boutique 35BelliesToBabies
Bev's Real Kids 35BevsRealKids
Bliss 35Bliss
Bright Beginnings Boutique 35BrightBeginnings
Callie's Boutique 35Callies
Casp Baby Mommy & Me Boutique 35CaspBaby
Child's Play Toys 35ChildsPlayToys
Childish Tendencies 35ChildishTendencies
Cinnamon Bears 35Cinnamon Bears
Clementine Retail II DBA Clover 35Clover
Coastal Cloth Baby & Co 35CoastalClothBaby
Common Threads 35CommonThreads
Doodlebugs LLC 35DoodleBugs
Dottie's 35Dotties
Dreidel Home + Sundry 35DreidelHome
Eco Goods 35EcoGoods
Ecobambino 35Ecobambino
Ellington & French 35EllingtonAndFrench
Et Cetera - TX 35EtCetera
Fancy Pants Children's Boutique 35FancyPants
Fine Things 35FineThings
Flower Child Consignment 35FlowerChild
Forever Young Boutique 35ForeverYoung
Fredericksburg Natural Baby 35FredericksburgNaturalBaby
General Store of Minnetonka 35GeneralStore
Gifts Etc, Inc. 35GiftsEtc
Gigi's Fabulous Kids' Fashion 35GigisFabulousKids
goo goo gaa gaa children's boutique 35GooGooGaaGaa
Goochie Goo Garbs, LLC dba Cuddles 35GoochieGooGarbs
Green Bean Baby Boutique 35GreenBeanBaby
Green Dazzle Baby 35GreenDazzleBaby
GreenPea Clothing 35GreenPeaClothing
Happy Baby Boutique 35HappyBabyBoutique
Heaven to Earth 35HeavenToEarth
Hemingway & Co 35HemingwayAndCo
Hoffman House 35HoffmanHouse
Hooray Inc. 35Hooray
Itty Bitty Bella 35IttyBittyBella
Jeannie N Mini 35JeannieNMini
Katy & Co. 35KatyAndCo
Keedo Clothes 35KeedoClothes
Kicks and Giggles 35KicksAndGiggles
Kid Biz 35KidBiz
Kiddie Land 35KiddieLand
Kidrageous 35Kidrageous
Kids Anthem 35KidsAnthem
Kidstop/Baby Stop 35Kidstop
Kissui 35Kissui
La Te Da Boutique 35LaTeDa
Lace and Day 35LaceAndDay
Lauren Alexandra 35LaurenAlexandra
Lil Baby Sprouts 35LilBabySprouts
Lil Kids Stuff 35LilKidsStuff
Lil Tulips 35LilTulips
Lincoln&Lexi 35LincolnAndLexi
Little Rascals 35LittleRascals
Lively Kids 35LivelyKids
Lollipop Seeds 35LollipopSeeds
Lollipops Children's Boutique 35Lollipops
Lubberdubbers 35Lubberdubbers
Lucy's Boutique & Gifts 35Lucys
Maggie and Me Boutique 35MaggieAndMe
Magical Child 35MagicalChild
magpies children's shoppe 35Magpies
Main + Algiers 35MainAndAlgiers
Mason Dixon Darlins dba Southern Style 35SouthernStyle
Meghan's Closet 35MeghansCloset
Melodi's Belles & Beaus 35Melodis
Michael's Toggery 35MichaelsToggery
Modern Natural Baby 35ModernNaturalBaby
Molly Pop Boutique 35MollyPop
Mom's Milk Boutique 35MomsMilk
Monkey + Squirrel Tails 35MonkeyAndSquirrelTails
Moon Pie 35MoonPie
My Cup of Tea 35MyCupOfTea
Nature Baby Outfitter 35NaturalBabyOutfitter
Noah's Nook Children's Boo-Tique 35NoahsNook
O' Child 35OChild
Oh Baby 35OhBaby
On A Whim - Texas 35OnAWhim
Orange Fish 35OrangeFish
P. Cottontail and Co 35PCottontail
Pacifier 35Pacifier
Paisley Monkey 35PaisleyMonkey
Peanuts Maternity & Kids 35Peanuts
Peek a Boo Baby 35PeekABooBaby
Pencie and Ginger Children's Boutique 35PencieAndGinger
Perfectly Preemie 35PerfectlyPreeme
Persimmon Creek Gifts 35PersimmonCreekGifts
Petit BonHomme 35PetitBonHomme
Pink & Blue Avenue 35PinkAndBlueAve
Pink N Blue Avenue 35PinkNBlueAve
Pitter Patter 35PitterPatter
Posh Mommy & Baby Too! 35PoshMommy
Posh Princess & Prince 35PoshPrincess
Prim Pop 35PrimPop
Puddles & Lace LLC 35PuddlesAndLace
Purple Owl Boutique 35PurpleOwl
RaineHills 35RaineHills
Roots Boutique 35Roots
Rosie Jane 35RosieJane
Satara Home and Baby, LLC 35SataraHomeAndBaby
Sisterly Love Boutique 35SisterlyLove
Small Frys 35SmallFrys
Sprout San Francisco 35SproutSF
Stork and Bear Co. 35StorkAndBear
Stride Rite - Sioux Falls 35StrideRite
Sugar-N-Spice 35SugarNSpice
Sway Boutique 35SwayBoutique
Sweet E's Boutique 35SweetE
Sweet Tea and Caviar Boutique 35SweetTeaAndCaviar
Taj Boutique 35TajBoutique
Texas Threads 35TexasThreads
The District Baby 35DistrictBaby
The Dock Panther 35DockPanther
The Interior Story 35TheInteriorStory
The Little Seedling 35TheLittleSeedling
The Little Things 35TheLittleThings
The Lolly Garden 35LollyGarden
The Merry Magnolia 35MerryMagnolia
The Pencil Test 35ThePencilTest
The Toggery 35TheToggery
The Turquoise Boutique 35TheTurquoise
Threadfare 35Threadfare
Tip Toes 35TipToes
Tootzie Toes 35TootzieToes
Village Child 35VillageChild
Village Maternity 35VillageMaternity
Wee Chic 35WeeChic
Whimsies - Texas 35WhimsiesTX
Whimsy - Minnesota 35WhimsyMN
Whispers @ Home 35WhispersAtHome
Wish 35Wish
Wystle 35Wystle
Zandy Zoo's 35ZandyZoos
Don’t see your favorite KicKee retailer on the list? Give them a call and encourage them to opt in to the #supportKICKEEshops campaignif they are eligible!