KicKee's Everyday Heroes, Part 3
Oz Imaghodor, Engineer
What is your job title and primary responsibilities?
I’m responsible for providing technical support and leadership in defense acquisition of weapon systems to support the military. I work specifically on the missile side for the Department of Defense. My day to day includes protecting confidential information and critical assets against terrorist threats and activities.
What does a typical day at work look like for you?
A typical day depends on where you are in the project. Many days are full of documentation, keeping track of project status and plans, doing risk analyses, complying with design control policies, etc. Many other days are spent in CAD, designing weapons and instruments, creating technical drawings, collaborating with other engineers, designers and manufacturing experts or modifying, improving, and collecting data for our design. The days I personally enjoy are spent developing test protocols and performing testing. This is when all the hard work pays off and you see your design make it to its final stages. Being in the defense industry, I get the opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation and implement a highly complex, sustainable weapon system to protect soldiers around the world.
What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of throughout your career?
Army Emergency Relief (AER) is a private, nonprofit organization that was created to help Soldiers and their family members who experience financial emergencies. I served as the AER Campaign Coordinator for my organization, and assisted with the facilitation of the annual campaign kickoff and closing ceremony. I exceeded last year’s goal by collecting over $4000 dollars in contributions to help offer undergraduate scholarships to spouses and children of both active and retired Soldiers.
What inspired me to work in this field? What continues to inspire you throughout your career?
I have always loved math and science, engineering has allowed a way for me to use those subjects in a fun and practical way. I am inspired to keep innovating in hopes of being a real and effective part of society to inspire my son, Xander, to do the same.
Meagan Williams, Secondary Math and Science Instructional Coach
What is your job title and primary responsibilities?
Secondary Math and Science Instructional Coach:
I primarily work with teachers to implement and strengthen learning strategies for students within the content through in-class support and professional development geared towards secondary classrooms. We dive into curriculum needs, data evaluation, classroom management, assessments, and many different ways to reach all of our diverse learners throughout the district.
What is the most important thing you have learned throughout your career? Who did you learn it from?
The most important thing I have learned as an educator is that your ripple extends much further in the water than you may ever have the opportunity to witness. ALL kids matter and giving EACH kid a new opportunity EVERY day allows for relationships and trust to build so that true learning can occur in any and all subjects. (Many teachers taught me this through their actions: Maria Low, Diane Shofner, Rashael Shofner, Sarah Anderson, Robby Dickenson, Kim Giles, Shirley Matteson, Bobby Fisher, Sarah Johnson, Robin Cottrell, and Judy Gulick to name a few!)
What inspired you to be a ? What continues to inspire you throughout your career?
To be honest, my mom’s love for teaching radiated in all that she did as a mother and educator. Even though she tried to convince me not to, she inspired me to be a teacher. Then there were the three standouts: Rashael, Sarah, and Diane that really solidified for me that a passionate human being is what it takes to love kids that aren’t your own enough to want the best for them. When I was in the classroom and coaching, it was the successes my kids had. From solving a system of equations to coming back from a deficit “one bite at a time” to win a double header and advance in playoffs, literally the joy was contagious. Seeing and supporting during the struggles but being there to witness and celebrate the triumphs…it’s literally my heart. Each day I get to work next to teachers who encourage growth and joy in their students, stand bold in the face of adversity and overcome with the newest, most engaging ideas, and the passion they share with kids and colleagues… it gets me up every morning and keeps me going back each and every day! I am truly living the dream and am so lucky to be a part of education!
Kassie Murray, RN, pre-op, post-op, and patient care
Was there a major turning point in your career that led you to where you are today?
When I graduated I started out working in the ICU. I enjoyed my time there and learned a lot! Then I decided I wanted to try something completely different…which led me to surgical orthopedics.
Did you always dream you’d work in the medical field when you grew up?
I never wanted to be a nurse growing up or thought I would end up in the medical field. I always thought I would end up being a veterinarian or work with dolphins as a marine biologist. But, growing up my dad was always in and out of the hospital. During his last hospital stay he had the most amazing nurse that was so kind to him and so kind to my family- she took so much stress off of my mom during the whole process and really made us feel comfortable- even though we had just lost my dad. I knew I could never repay her for what she had done for us, but I knew that I wanted to be a part of helping other families through tough times just like this nurse had done for us. I was in my second year of college and had finally decided that I wanted to become a nurse!
Others know the work you do is meaningful. We want to know why it’s meaningful to YOU!
I love being a nurse because I love being a caretaker for others. People are usually at their most vulnerable when they are in the hospital. I’m the one they and their families trust to take care of them during tough and vulnerable times, and that means SO much to me!